Presentation Management: The Entire Series

Presentation Management: The Entire Series

Created: Thursday, December 5, 2019, posted by at 9:45 am

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As many of you are aware, we are running a series of posts on Presentation Management. This has been possible with support from AlexAnndra Ontra and James Ontra, who have permitted us to serialize their book. Additionally, some value addition to the content is being done to add visuals, videos, excerpts, and more so that we can bring you a more interactive format.

Here are all posts that are part of this series.

Presentation Management 01: Ending the Tangled Mess of PowerPoint?

Presentation Management 01: Ending the Tangled Mess of PowerPoint?Presentation Management 01: Ending the Tangled Mess of PowerPoint?
March 11, 2019

Presentation Management 02: What’s Wrong With PowerPoint (As If You Didn’t Know Already)

Presentation Management 02: What’s Wrong With PowerPoint (As If You Didn’t Know Already)Presentation Management 02: What’s Wrong With PowerPoint (As If You Didn’t Know Already)
April 12, 2019

Presentation Management 03: Visual Storytelling

Presentation Management 03: Visual StorytellingPresentation Management 03: Visual Storytelling
May 8, 2019

Presentation Management 04: Introducing the Discipline

Presentation Management 04: Introducing the DisciplinePresentation Management 04: Introducing the Discipline
May 23, 2019

Presentation Management 05: Why Is It Important Now

Presentation Management 05: Why Is It Important NowPresentation Management 05: Why Is It Important Now
June 6, 2019

Presentation Management 06: Empowering Presenters

Presentation Management 06: Empowering PresentersPresentation Management 06: Empowering Presenters
June 21, 2019

Presentation Management 07: From One-and-Done to Enterprise Assets

Presentation Management 07: From One-and-Done to Enterprise AssetsPresentation Management 07: From One-and-Done to Enterprise Assets
August 12, 2019

Presentation Management 08: Increases Productivity

Presentation Management 08: Increases ProductivityPresentation Management 08: Increases Productivity
October 30, 2019

Presentation Management 09: Ensure Compliance

Presentation Management 09: Ensure CompliancePresentation Management 09: Ensure Compliance
November 15, 2019

Presentation Management 10: Enterprise Files for Everyday Use

Presentation Management 10: Enterprise Files for Everyday UsePresentation Management 10: Enterprise Files for Everyday Use
December 5, 2019

Presentation Management 11: How Presentation Management Transforms Content

Presentation Management 11: How Presentation Management Transforms ContentPresentation Management 11: How Presentation Management Transforms Content
January 22, 2020

Presentation Management 12: Interactive Presentations

Presentation Management 12: Interactive PresentationsPresentation Management 12: Interactive Presentations
February 12, 2020

Presentation Management 13: Better Storytelling

Presentation Management 13: Better StorytellingPresentation Management 13: Better Storytelling
February 26, 2020

Presentation Management 14: Making Presentations Intelligent

Presentation Management 14: Making Presentations IntelligentPresentation Management 14: Making Presentations Intelligent
April 24, 2020

Presentation Management 15: Culture of Presentation Management

Presentation Management 15: Culture of Presentation ManagementPresentation Management 15: Culture of Presentation Management
May 14, 2020

Presentation Management 16: Training Starts the Conversation

Presentation Management 16: Training Starts the ConversationPresentation Management 16: Training Starts the Conversation
June 1, 2020

Presentation Management 17: Collect Content

Presentation Management 17: Collect ContentPresentation Management 17: Collect Content
July 7, 2020

Presentation Management 18: Lifecycle of a Presentation

Presentation Management 18: Lifecycle of a PresentationPresentation Management 18: Lifecycle of a Presentation
August 18, 2020

Presentation Management 19: Distribution

Presentation Management 19: DistributionPresentation Management 19: Distribution
September 24, 2020

Presentation Management 20: Sharing and Presenting

Presentation Management 20: Sharing and PresentingPresentation Management 20: Sharing and Presenting
October 21, 2020

Presentation Management 20: Sharing and Presenting

Presentation Management 20: Sharing and PresentingPresentation Management 21: Social Engagement, Reporting, and Updating
November 9, 2020

Presentation Management 22: Making Better Presentations; Telling Better Stories

Presentation Management 22: Making Better Presentations; Telling Better StoriesPresentation Management 22: Making Better Presentations; Telling Better Stories
April 1, 2021

Presentation Management 23: Short and Memorable Presentations

Presentation Management 23: Short and Memorable PresentationsPresentation Management 23: Short and Memorable Presentations
May 12, 2021

Presentation Management 24: Create a Story for Business

Presentation Management 24: Create a Story for BusinessPresentation Management 24: Create a Story for Business
June 7, 2021

Presentation Management 25: Content Organization

Presentation Management 25: Content OrganizationPresentation Management 25: Content Organization
September 6, 2021

Presentation Management 26: The Future of Presentations

Presentation Management 26: The Future of PresentationsPresentation Management 26: The Future of Presentations
December 9, 2021

Presentation Management 27: The Humanity of Presentations, from Cave Paintings to PowerPoint and Back Again

Presentation Management 27: The Humanity of Presentations, from Cave Paintings to PowerPoint and Back AgainPresentation Management 27: The Humanity of Presentations, from Cave Paintings to PowerPoint and Back Again
July 1, 2022

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