PowerPoint: Sounds from the Clip Art pane do not play!

PowerPoint: Sounds from the Clip Art pane do not play!

Created: Wednesday, November 10, 2010, posted by at 4:42 am

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I received this question a while ago from someone using PowerPoint 2003:

I inserted a sound from the Clip Art task pane onto the slide and the sound icon shows up but it won’t play the sound when I am on that slide while playing the whole presentation. Please help!

OK — the answer for this question works not only for PowerPoint 2003 but also for most other versions:

  1. Right click the inserted sound, and choose Custom Animation from the resultant menu. This will bring up the Custom Animation task pane.
  2. With the sound clip still selected, click the Add Effect | Object Actions | Play — this will add a play animation for the selected sound clip within the Custom Animation task pane — select the animation within the task pane.
  3. Now change the Start event to After Previous.
  4. Save your presentation.

Now your sound will play automatically when you get to that particular slide within your presentation!

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