How Do I Center Content on a PowerPoint Slide?

How Do I Center Content on a PowerPoint Slide?

Created: Sunday, July 11, 2004, posted by at 9:10 am

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Do you wish there was a way to center align your slide object in PowerPoint? There is no one-click option that you can use, but this is still an easy process that lets you center your slide objects in PowerPoint.

Follow these steps in any version of PowerPoint:

  1. Select your image, shape or any other element.
  2. In the Drawing Tools Format tab of the Ribbon, make sure that the Align | Align to Slide option is selected. If this option is already selected, that means you have only one object selected on your slide, and you need not choose the same option again.
  3. If you are using a very old version of PowerPoint, look for the Draw toolbar, and choose the Draw | Align or Distribute | Relative to Slide option.
  4. Then choose the Align | Distribute Horizontally option, or you can alternatively choose the Align | Align Center option.
  5. Or in an older version, choose the Draw | Align or Distribute | Distribute Horizontally option.
  6. Finally, choose choose the Align | Distribute Vertically option, or you can alternatively choose the Align | Align Middle option.
  7. Or in an older version, choose Draw | Align or Distribute | Distribute Vertically.

In older PowerPoint versions (2003 and earlier), you might want to drag the Align controls off the Draw menu to make it a floating toolbar. In newer versions (2007 and newer), you can add the Align tools to the Quick Access Toolbar.

To make it easier, you might want to get a copy of Steve Rindsberg’s free PPTools Starter Set, which includes a button to pick up the size/position of any shape OR if nothing’s selected, the slide itself. And another button to “hammer” a selected shape to the memorized size/position. Pick up the slide’s size/shape, bring in your image, click the Hammer button, you’re done.

Center Align Objects in PowerPoint

Center Align Objects in PowerPoint

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