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PowerPoint Notes

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Wednesday, March 15, 2023, posted by Geetesh Bajaj at 2:58 pm

By Barrera Alcova

In the 1970s, the average internet user saw 500 – 1,600 ads daily. By 2017, the average American saw 4000 – 10,000 ads per day. Little wonder that internet users continue to develop a disdain for digital ads and wish to find ways to make their phones completely ad-free.

Regardless of the channel you engage with, there’s no escaping ads — whether you’re playing games on your iPhone, using social media, or reading a blog post. This creates a frustrating experience for many iPhone users who would rather completely block all ads. Thankfully, Apple is one of the leading companies that allow users to reduce ads.

But iPhone settings for reducing ads can’t stop all ads, which is why we will discuss effective ways to make your iPhone completely ad-free in this post.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2022, posted by Geetesh Bajaj at 12:32 pm

By Barrera Alcova

Are you looking for a way to move your email account from Gmail to Outlook or Yahoo to Gmail? If you are still stuck with your college email address or an email from your local ISP like Cox or BellSouth, switching to Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook is a good idea because you will get a lot more features, more security, and more support. Also, some colleges and universities eventually close student email addresses after a certain amount of time, so it is recommended to migrate before losing everything.

Email Migration: Best Practices

Email Migration: Best Practices
Image: Unsplash

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Monday, October 3, 2022, posted by Geetesh Bajaj at 9:30 am

We already explored think-cell, an extensive graphic visualization and charting add-in for PowerPoint in our Five Best Features of think-cell post. However, did you know that think-cell adds some small niceties in PowerPoint that are not documented anywhere, and which were discovered by accident?

Get think-cell and Use These Features

Did you know that you can get a trial of think-cell and use these features? Even better, you can get an extended trial if you use this link!

Plus, on the same link, you will find a usually unavailable option to subscribe to think-cell with just one user. Normally, you need to have at least 5 users signed on to be able to subscribe to think-cell.

Yes, there are at least three extra timesaving features that think-cell adds, and all three of these features have nothing to do with charting. In fact, they relate to language settings, creating quick graphics, and replacing fonts in PowerPoint. Without further ado, let us look at these goodies that think-cell places within PowerPoint.

think-cell Niceties in PowerPoint

think-cell Niceties in PowerPoint

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Thursday, September 8, 2022, posted by Geetesh Bajaj at 8:45 pm

By Barrera Alcova

Presentation Skills Are Important

Presentation Skills Are Important
Image: Unsplash

Growth and business expansion largely depend on how well you use technology to reach and appeal to your clients. Companies are using technology differently to grow their agendas. As a business, you must be ready to put up with new changes to ensure you do not lag in acquiring new customers and sealing new deals. Are you prepared to stir your business to another level? Presentation is one of the effective ways to ensure you are on top of other businesses.

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Monday, August 29, 2022, posted by Geetesh Bajaj at 9:30 am

One of the main reasons you set up a NAS server is to store and share files. We have looked at setting up your Synology NAS and adding users. Now, let us look at how you can create shared folders. We are using Synology’s DS920+ NAS, but the process works similarly in most Synology NAS devices. Before you begin, be aware that you’ll need to have admin access to your Synology DSM.

Follow these steps to create shared folders on a Synology NAS:

  1. Log in to your Synology device, and you will be presented with the DiskStation Manager interface, as shown in Figure 1, below. Click the Control Panel icon, shown highlighted in red within Figure 1.
  2. DiskStation Manager

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