think-cell Niceties in PowerPoint

think-cell Niceties in PowerPoint

Created: Monday, October 3, 2022, posted by at 9:30 am

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We already explored think-cell, an extensive graphic visualization and charting add-in for PowerPoint in our Five Best Features of think-cell post. However, did you know that think-cell adds some small niceties in PowerPoint that are not documented anywhere, and which were discovered by accident?

Get think-cell and Use These Features

Did you know that you can get a trial of think-cell and use these features? Even better, you can get an extended trial if you use this link!

Plus, on the same link, you will find a usually unavailable option to subscribe to think-cell with just one user. Normally, you need to have at least 5 users signed on to be able to subscribe to think-cell.

Yes, there are at least three extra timesaving features that think-cell adds, and all three of these features have nothing to do with charting. In fact, they relate to language settings, creating quick graphics, and replacing fonts in PowerPoint. Without further ado, let us look at these goodies that think-cell places within PowerPoint.

think-cell Niceties in PowerPoint

think-cell Niceties in PowerPoint

1. Language Settings

Typically, when you set the language for any text container in PowerPoint, you are limited to changing the proofing language only for the selected text container, such as a text box, placeholder, shape, etc. Yes, you can change the language for the entire outline in PowerPoint, but even that is limited to just text placeholders and leaves text within text boxes and shapes unchanged.

You May Also Like: Text Placeholders vs. Text Boxes in PowerPoint

However, think-cell adds the ability to change the proofing language for all text containers on the slide or even all text containers within the presentation deck.

To find these options, make sure that think-cell is installed and activated. Then, follow these steps to change the proofing language:

  1. Select any one text container, as shown in Figure 1, below. Next, click the Language option on the Status Bar, as shown highlighted in red within Figure 1.
  2. Text container selected

2. Copy from Excel to Multiple Shapes

This is an almost unbelievable option. Why is this unbelievable? That’s because no one has spoken about this feature, nor can you find it anywhere in think-cell’s documentation. I wish to thank think-cell’s Robin Jung for sharing this feature. Surely, this will help many PowerPoint users quickly create diagrams in PowerPoint using shapes and text.

Follow these steps to copy content from Excel to multiple shapes in your PowerPoint slide:

  1. Make sure think-cell is installed, and also active within both Excel and PowerPoint. Launch both programs. If you are working with new files, there’s no need to save the files although it’s a good idea to work with saved files.
  2. Now within Excel, create some cell content. We created a list of months, which was easy because we just typed January and used the AutoFill feature to populate the remaining cells with the other months, as shown in Figure 4, below.
  3. Form Fill in Excel

For this trick to work optimally, you must ensure that the number of shapes available on your PowerPoint slide is the same as the number of cells you copy from Excel. This technique can save you hours of work.

3. Replace Fonts

The final feature in think-cell we are exploring is the Replace Fonts option. This is an existing PowerPoint feature that think-cell makes so much more powerful.

Follow these steps to explore options within the Replace Font dialog box:

  1. Open any presentation where you want to replace fonts. Now, access the Home tab of the Ribbon. Next, click on the Replace button to bring up a small flyout menu, as shown in Figure 8, below. Now click on the Replace Fonts option, highlighted in red within Figure 8.
  2. Replace Fonts

As you can see, as in the three features explained above, you could be using think-cell’s amazing features even without being aware that you are using think-cell!

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