Simple Quizzes in PowerPoint

Simple Quizzes in PowerPoint

Created: Thursday, March 12, 2020, posted by at 9:30 am

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By Geetesh Bajaj

Creating a quiz in PowerPoint can be fun. You can use a quiz after a business presentation as an excuse to give away gifts to those who provide the right answers. Or you can use a quiz for children in elementary school. Whatever your aim, creating a quiz in any version of PowerPoint is fairly easy and intuitive.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to create a quiz with multiple answer choices. You can create more “featured” quizzes using VBA programming within PowerPoint or the Custom Shows feature, but for now, we are just creating a simple quiz. To start with, you need questions. Choose questions that can have only one correct answer. Five questions is a good number to start with.

Each question will require three slides:

  1. The question slide
  2. The correct message slide, and
  3. The incorrect message slide

We also used five pictures; one each for our five questions to add visual content and relevance to the quiz. In this sample quiz, the visuals actually were part of the presentation. All pictures were sourced from Hemera’s Photo-Objects collection, a clip art collection that’s no longer available.

Follow these steps to create a simple quiz in PowerPoint:

  1. Start PowerPoint and create a new, blank presentation. For the existing, blank slide, (or you can insert a new slide), you can change the layout to the Title Only layout. You can change layouts from the Layout gallery, shown in Figure 1, below.
  2. Slide with the Title Only layout

You can download the finished presentation from our Let’s Start Counting page.

More Ideas

Here are some more ideas:

  • If you are using this quiz in a non-corporate environment, or with children, try to include some sounds within the Action Settings dialog box. For the right answer, we used the built-in Applause sound (see Figure 9). Similarly, for the wrong answer, we opted to use the Whoosh sound. These sounds are part of PowerPoint, but there’s no reason why you cannot use your own sounds in the same way.
  • Quiz - Play sound

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