How to Create College Presentations Using These 7 PowerPoint Hacks

How to Create College Presentations Using These 7 PowerPoint Hacks

Created: Friday, August 16, 2019, posted by at 9:45 am

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A good presentation is an integral part of any successful speech, coursework, or research that catches the audience’s attention. Also, an outstanding PowerPoint presentation is a prerequisite for a high score since it allows you to demonstrate both knowledge and different useful skills.

It is a fact that appearance is the initial point that instantly grabs attention. So, no matter how brilliant your research and data are, having a gloomy design with plain text will hardly make the audience curious.

You may opt for asking a PowerPoint presentation writing service to complete your presentation or manage to deliver it on your own. But using these seven mighty hacks, you will definitely end up with a winning presentation and navigate it like a pro.

Less Text, More Visuals

You will undeniably agree that there is no point in putting the whole text on the slide. Imagine how uncomfortable and confusing it will be if you verbally repeat the text that you’ve already mentioned in the slide. In fact, the audience can get acquainted with the text in handouts. Any legit essay writing service always focuses on visual material while delivering you a presentation, and that is the sign of professionalism. So, rather than trying to put all the data on the slide, create interactive tables, graphs, or pictures, and then support them verbally during the presentation.

Use on Screen Drawing

To make your audience focused and captivated, you can opt for using Ctrl+ P combination and draw on the screen in real-time. It will be useful if you want to emphasize some information and point out some particular section.

SmartArt is Everything

SmartArt is another valuable hack that lets you easily create schemes, diagrams, and lists. It is as easy to create them as ABC. Creating catchy and well-structured visuals is much better than putting a plain text on your slides. Although you may think that bullet points are a must, they are boring and hard to perceive. And with SmartArt, you have a multitude of ways to turn a dull list into an effective attention grabber.

Use the Slide Master

Slide Master function is another essential hack that will let you stick to certain formatting and design throughout your presentation. Experts from any cheapest essay writing service begin with this very function. In particular, the Slide Master allows you to create a specific design, including headings, font sizes, colors. Also, you can create any background and put some logo on it so that you do not need to put it on each slide manually. And, of course, it can make your presentation look flawless since all slides will have the same style.

Add Audio

To make your powerpoint presentation more diverse as well as professional-looking, add relevant audio across your slides. If you are not an advanced user, this tip might be a bit complicated for you. But if you are not afraid to try something new, click Audio (right after you click the insert tab), and attach the audio file of your choice. No matter whether you put some music or a podcast, it needs to be relevant so that you can create a catchy college presentation.

Learn a Couple of Useful Shortcuts

Even though it may sound a bit controversial, the most incredible PowerPoint hacks are the easiest! It takes a second or two to find and press the shortcut but it provides significant agility. Some of the shortcuts that will allow you to master PowerPoint are the following:

Ctrl + Arrow to move an object

Enter + the number of a slide to quickly jump to it

Ctrl + B to make the screen black

Do Not Hesitate to Ask for Help

Managing to create a powerful presentation is not the easiest task for a college student. It is totally normal if you are torn between studies and personal life. If you feel like you fail to get all the assignments done and your workload is ever-growing, addressing a write my essay service will let you get back on track. This custom essay writing service not only takes care of your papers but also makes its best to deliver you an outstanding presentation.

A successful college presentation depicts the scope of your knowledge on the issue and your ability to engage the audience. These useful hacks will let you stay equipped with skills that allow you to create the finest presentation. And if you are a newbie, you can always turn to a college essay writing service so that you can exhale and be certain that your presentation will stand out.

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