Stop Font Sizes from Changing

Stop Font Sizes from Changing

Created: Friday, February 8, 2008, posted by at 10:10 am

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Question: The problem I am having is that the Arial font size that I save as 32 for visibility, changes to 24 the next time I pull the presentation up. I have looked at the save options and nothing has helped. Do you have any suggestions?

Answer: This might help:

  1. Choose Tools | AutoCorrect Options — this brings up the AutoCorrect dialog box that you can see in Figure 1. Select the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

    AutoCorrect in PowerPoint

    AutoCorrect in PowerPoint

    Figure 1: Tweak AutoCorrect options

  2. Uncheck these options:

    – AutoFit title text to placeholder

    – AutoFit body text to placeholder

    – Automatic layout for inserted objects

  3. Click OK.

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