Self Closing PowerPoint Presentations

Self Closing PowerPoint Presentations

Created: Wednesday, May 23, 2007, posted by at 9:26 am

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Question: I need a PowerPoint presentation that closes itself soon after the last slide has been shown. How do I make such a presentation?

Answer: Follow these steps (works for PowerPoint 2002 and 2003):

  1. Choose Tools | Options to bring up the Options dialog box. Select the View tab and uncheck the option that reads End with black slide. Remember, this is a machine specific setting — not a presentation specific one.
  2. Choose Slide Show | Set Up Show, and uncheck Loop continuously until ‘Esc’ if it is selected.
  3. Get to the last slide of the presentation, and choose Slide Show | Slide Transition to bring up the Slide Transition task pane. Select the Automatically after option, and enter a time value (any time value).
  4. Choose File | Save As…, and change the Save as type to PowerPoint Show (*.pps).

You’re done.

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