Add Multiple Guides

Add Multiple Guides

Created: Thursday, May 17, 2007, posted by at 7:06 am

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Question: How do I add multiple horizontal and vertical guides to my PowerPoint slides.

Answer: Follow these steps:

  1. Make your guides visible if they are not already visible.
  2. Select one of the guides, and press Ctrl as you drag the guide. You’ll see the guide coordinates as you Ctrl-drag them to create new guides if your Ruler is visible (View | Ruler).
  3. You can add up to 8 horizontal and 8 vertical guides using this process.

If you need more guides, follow this process to create a mock guide-map:

  1. You can create guide lines with PowerPoint’s line tool — and then add a dash style to those lines.
  2. Create variations of thick and thin lines to create major and minor guides.
  3. These lines can then be grouped — and cut, copied, and pasted over any slide you want to use the same “guide-map” for.
  4. You can also copy the guide-map between presentations — delete this guide-map when done.

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