I have slides with questions that need to be answered. If users provide the correct answer, they should be shown the next question slide. On the other hand, users who respond with the wrong answer should be made to go back to the last question to retry.
I could insert “correct” and “incorrect” slides between each question slide and triple my presentation file size. Can I do it with only only one “correct” and one “incorrect” slide for the entire presentation?
Kathy Jacobs, PowerPoint MVP provides a solution:
1. Put the “correct” and “incorrect” slides at the end of the show and hide them.
2. Now, set up two Custom Shows (Slide Show | Custom Show), one for the correct slide and one for the incorrect slide.
3. Set the “correct” and “incorrect” hyperlinks to the shows instead of the slides. When you set the hyperlinks up this way, you will get an extra option “Show and Return”. Activate it by checking the box for each link.
4. When you run the show, the appropriate slide will come up. On the next click, it will close and you will return to the main presentation. Since the actual slides reside at the end of your presentation, but are hidden, they will never play except when called via the Custom Show.